In an upcoming exhibition, Contemporary photo artist Astrid Krehan will takes you on a visual journey through Asia's supercities. When Astrid first arrived in Shanghai, the city she would call home for seven years, she took long walks to discover the metropolis and its culture through her camera lens. She was fascinated by the unique patterns, textures, and structures she found on facades, doors, and everyday objects.

"By playing with my photographs' sharpness and color saturation, I found a way to express my feelings and fascination for Shanghai and China," she told me. The techniques and her camera movements to create patterns and textures became her expression to deal with life challenges. "My camera became my magic tool, like a painter's brush, and enabled me to reveal the beauty I otherwise wouldn't have seen."

INTWINE cordially invites you and your friends to meet Astrid Krehan for the opening of her exhibition at INTWINE:

Impressions Photographically Painted

Friday, May 6, 2022
17:30 until 20:00

Hegibachstrasse 42
8032 Zurich

"Painting photographic images of the formations of the Gobi Desert feels like creating art from art."
- Astrid Krehan

What is your earliest art memory? Throughout my whole life, I have been surrounded by art. The first time I started to recognize and appreciate art was when I saw the early works of German artist Georg Baier. His works spoke to me and opened the door to the contemporary art world for me.

Which is the best advice you were given as an artist? The most important advice I received from my husband. To keep doing what I am doing, especially when I start doubting myself. Recently I met the Dutch painter Cathalijn Wouters, who works with the same art gallery in Shanghai as I do. She told me: "The most important thing is to be confident about your work and yourself." Having confidence is a struggle for many artists, and we all have to work on that.

How do you know when your artwork is completed?Composing a photograph is a very intense and intuitive process. The creative part is searching for objects that emphasize expressions, emotions, and feelings I would like to convey. Post-processing is a continuation of the creative process when I work out the colors initiated by the camera movement, hidden in the material, or both. I look at the image for several days. Once I feel satisfied with the result, I call it competed.

When Astrid Krehan was in the Dunhuang desert's dunes, their sheer size stopped her from feeling the temperature or the strong wind. She felt like being in nature's art gallery where the wind is the sculptural artist that forms these astonishing sculptures.

ASIA IN PATTERN - Impression Photographically Painted

"Creativity is to transform my vision into images that are my voice to the world." - Astrid Krehan

Photographic image diasec mounting
80 x 106 cm

Photographic image diasec mounting
113.5 x 120 cm

Photographic image diasec mounting
80 x 120 cm

Photographic image diasec mounting
51 x 60 cm

Photographic image diasec mounting
100 x 100 cm

Photographic image diasec mounting
80 x 119 cm